Two ways to work 1:1 with me...


How: You work with me on a 1:1 basis for one hour a week via video call, weekly for an initial period of 6 months. During our first session we will explore your main goals and aims for the immediate term, which we will review one month in, to see how you are progressing and how you feel about that progress. We will continue to review these sessions on a monthly basis to 3 months. After that point we will review again at 6 months. If you decide that you wish to work with me on a further, ongoing basis, I will need you to take a 3 month break at this point before we restart. This helps you to get the most out of integrating the work we do together without becoming overwhelmed, and ensures that working with me is really producing the results you need to see.

What: We will cover both business and personal coaching, with elements of spirituality and personal development from a Jungian perspective. If at any point you feel unsafe or unsupported during our sessions, you are encouraged to let me know immediately and I will ensure that we do not cover any aspect of your coaching in a way which retriggers any trauma you may be carrying.

My responsibilities: I will remain responsible for your wellbeing during our sessions, and will endeavour to allow you the space to explore your concerns/blocks/possibilities in an environment which is healthy, safe and supportive of you at all times. I will be punctual and always let you know at least 24 hours in advance of any planned changes to our sessions, where at all possible. Should I be unable to attend a session, you will be able to rebook that session at a time of your choosing.

Your responsibilities: You will be respectful of our mutual arrangement in endeavouring to turn up on time to our sessions, and where possible letting me know at least 24 hours in advance of any planned changes you need to make to our sessions. Moving around a session to suit changes to your schedule will hopefully be possible, but should you cancel within 24 hours of a planned session, you will be charged the full amount for the missed session. If advance warning is given, we will simply rebook the session for a time you can make.

Cost: I charge a monthly fee of £549 and the contract duration will be for 6 months.


How: You work with me on a 1:1 basis for one hour a week via video call, and in addition I am available to you via Voxxer or Whatsapp at any other points during the week for an initial period of 6 months. I will be able to answer your queries in realtime within office hours and provide you with ongoing feedback in a more immediate manner. The topics covered and the methods we use to achieve them will be as above. The contact between sessions will enable you to stay on track with your goals, process issues and events as they arise, and will “fast track” your progress towards those goals by keeping you accountable and giving you a sounding board for ideas and other perspectives which may help you to pursue avenues you had otherwise not been able to consider. As above, I will provide reviews as we go along, and at the end of 6 months, I will require you to take a break from coaching with me in order to fully integrate and implement all the changes which you will be making.

What: As above, with the additional element of the extra support which will ensure that forming new habits of thought and action are easier to maintain due to the extra accountability provided.

My responsibilities: Because we will be in much closer and regular contact, I anticipate knowing when there are likely to be obstacles to our sessions, however, I will still provide the advance notice in order to rebook those sessions as stated above.

Your responsibilities: As above I will require 24 hours notice of any session you cannot attend and will always endeavour to make it possible for you to change to a time/date which is more suitable for you.

Cost: I charge a monthly fee of £979 and the contract duration will be for 6 months.

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