Who is Eliza Raven?

Who am I?

As a Business, Communication and Financial Consultant and Coach, I have a broad experience of working with and mentoring entrepreneurs and self-employed people from all walks of life, to encourage, enable and facilitate growth and to assist in the achievement of goals both large and small.

Just as no two individuals are the same, no two businesses are the same, but all successful enterprises are built upon the same foundations. Knowing what having support in creating and maintaining solid foundations looks and feels like through both my own personal working life, and through working alongside other entrepreneurs in a supporting role, has given me deep insight into how I can reach in to support other soul-led, heart-driven entrepreneurs in the successful creation of their vision.

My background is in education, coaching, finance, and the law as it applies to individuals and corporate entities. I have worked for a number of HNW individuals in senior roles within their organisations. I have also worked for over a decade in the larger corporate financial world including as head of European accounting departments for large import/export businesses and as an advisor to the socially responsible and ethical fund management departments for private investment banks, before setting out on my own as a tax and financial consultant. If you have any queries about any of these matters I can be contacted directly by email at hello@elizaraven.com or on 07488 867976.

In the past decade, I've also become proficient in applying these skills to the legal world as it crosssects with corporate and individual entities. Since the loss of legal aid to individuals in most cases, and given the high cost of employing a reputable legal representative, there are a growing number of Litigants in Person (LIPs) who require guidance and confidence when facing an often better resourced opponant in an unfamiliar arena such as the legal system. I provide that support and guidance and additionally serve as a negotiation facilitator and mediator as required, both at an individual and corporate level.

After a profitable and enjoyable decade growing and encouraging SMEs and other entrepreneurs in their businesses and vision, and overseeing the growth and development of my own venture, I decided it was time to give back some of what I have learnt and benefited from in mentoring those who are at the start of realising their dreams. To this end I partner with the Institute of Learning and Mentoring and Enterprise Nation as they implement the government funded Help to Grow programme, nationally. Through HTG I offer 10 sessions of clear, concise coaching designed to enable participants to better understand and identify their strategy, implement it and expand their business in the direction they desire, safe in the knowledge they have a reliable advisor they can count on to provide feedback and support. If you are interested in the HTG programme you can find more information here or email me directly at hello@elizaraven.com or call 07488 867976.

I'm approachable, friendly, forthright, knowledgeable and a clear communicator who will hold you accountable to your own goals and desired outcomes, while offering the benefit of my experience and wider financial capabilities to support you in achieving your aims.

Together we can change the world for good.

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